by Daniel Waters
Something strange is going on all over America, and only America. Some teenagers die, but are not staying dead. They come back to life. Kind of. They are feared and most of all, they are hated by most of their peers.
Oakvale High is different though. The administration welcomes those who are "differently biotic" or "living impaired". The students have a problem with this though. They don't want these zombies around at all. They should be dead and under ground.
Phoebe can't help but be interested in Tommy Williams. Her peers don't understand it, and won't stand for it. Her best friends don't get it either.
Grade: A
I've heard nothing but wonderful things about this book, and was excited when I finally got to borrow this from a friend. So, I started reading the book, and it was all good and everything, but it was kind of slow. But I kept on reading, because I have heard so many good things about this book. I continued on, and then I could not stop. It was amazing. And so interesting. I could have never thought up a story about zombie teenagers. I recommend this to ya, and I look forward to reading Kiss of Life!