Saturday, September 5, 2009

Ashley's ABC's

I was tagged by The Ladybug Reads...

Available or single? Neither. I am currently in a relationship. :]

Best Friend? I have two. Krysten and Rachel.

Cake or Pie? I'm thinkin' cake. I loooove frosting, which is probably bad.

Drink of choice? Water or milk.

Essential item for every day use? It's not really an "item", but oxygen is pretty darn essential.

Favorite color? TURQUOISE!

Google? I use it daily.

Hometown? Tacoma. Same house my whole life.

Indulgences? Do I need to answer this? Books.

January or February? Um. That's tough. I'll go with February.

Kids and their names? No kids.

Life is incomplete without…? Love. :)

Marriage date? I'm not thinking about marriage. I'm only 19!

Number of siblings? Two: one of each.

Oranges or apples? Apples all the way.

Phobias and fears? Death.

Quote for the day? I don't really have one. :/

Reason to smile? I'm happy. That is reason enough. :)

Season? Summer!

Tag 3 people: I'm not going to. There's too many people to choose from!

Unknown fact about me? I was on the bowling team in high school. We won state 3 years in a row.

Vegetable you hate? Pretty much all of them. haha

Worst habit? Well, I used to bite my nails. But now I pick/bite the skin around my nails. I dunno why, but I hate that I do it!

X-rays you’ve had? Arm, fingers (hand, I guess), and teeth.

Your fave food? Pizza, spaghetti, or nachos!

Zodiac sign? Aries.