Monday, December 8, 2008

The Forest of Hands and Teeth (ARC)

The Forest of Hands and Teeth (ARC)
by Carrie Ryan

Mary lives in a village surrounded by the Forest of Hands and Teeth. The Unconsecrated fill the forest, moaning, trying to get into her village, to devour and make more of their own by a single bite that will spread the infection. They don’t give up. They want to feed.

The Sisterhood holds the secrets of the village, from before the Return. No one knows the truth, except them. The Guardians protect the village, and make sure the fence holds back the Unconsecrated. The fence is the only barrier between the village and the Forest.

But then, once Mary is forced into the Sisterhood, she learns things that she wishes didn’t. There is the one section of the fence, which is forbidden, but, it leads somewhere…Mary knows it. But where does it lead? Mary must chose between her village and what may or may not exist beyond that one gate.

Grade: A

I was lucky enough to receive The Forest of Hands and Teeth as an ARC. And I was not disappointed at all. I was hooked once I started. It kind of reminded me of the movie The Village, though not really at the same time. The Sisterhood and Guardians were secretive, just like the leaders in the movie. And they didn't want the village to know what was outside the fence. But Mary, like the blind girl, had to leave, and had to know. Mary was a great character. She was strong, and always wanted more than what she had. She kind of reminded me of myself, only a little though. The only thing I didn't like in the story was the ending, only because I want to know more! It left me hanging only a little, so I don't really know what will happen to Mary. When this book comes out, I recommend it to anyone. You'll enjoy it. :)

*Also reviewed for
Comes out March 10, 2009


Test said...

Great Review!! This book sounds so good.

MySharonAnne said...

I enjoyed this books too. I'm giving away the ARC on my blog.

Tasha said...

This sounds interesting. I like the title. Nice review.