I have gone AWOL. My apologies to my followers. I am in my third year of college, just trying to raise my grades, and reading needs to be on the back-burner for now. After my winter quarter I will have more time on my hands and I should be back.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
As you can see...
Posted by Ashley at 11:37 PM 34 comments
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Life As We Knew It
Life As We Knew It
by Susan Beth Pfeffer
Miranda is almost done with her sophomore year of high school. Life seems pretty normal, even when hearing about an asteroid that is going to hit the moon's surface. And then it hits, knocking the moon off its axis and all hell breaks loose on the planet: earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcano eruptions.
Life used to be easy for Miranda and her family. Now they are hardly eating due to food shortages, and they cannot drive because of gas shortage. They are in survival mode, and it is tough on all of them.
Grade: A
This novel was slow at the start, but once it got started, I could hardly put it down. It was fast-paced and interesting, and I was totally fascinated by the idea of the moon being hit, causing worldwide catastrophe! It really makes me wonder if the government would be like this today if it happened!
If you're into the "end of the world" type books, this is for you. It was amazing!
Posted by Ashley at 6:58 PM 8 comments
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
The Fire Opal
The Fire Opal
by Regina McBride
*Paraphrased from Amazon*
Maeve O'Tullagh is a teen is living in Ard Macha with her family: Mam, Da, Donal, Fingal, and Ishleen. When still very young, Ishleen suddenly dies, depressing Maeve's mother and father. Once becoming pregnant again, Mam insists that she is pregnant with Ishleen, and she won't let the idea go. A woman at the sea gives Maeve a talisman to protect her mother. But when Mam removes it on the night of the baby's birth, she seems lost and catatonic. Maeve believes something stole her mother's soul and dedicates herself to protecting her new sister.
When Ishleen is four, she suffers the same fate as her Mam. With her Da and brothers off fighting to free Ireland from English rule, nineteen year old Maeve embarks on a journey to discover who has stolen their souls and save them before it's too late, encountering an ancient evil along the way.
Grade: B-
This story was filled with magical beings and inanimate objects, and a family that thinks the mother and daughter are absolutely mad. At times, I was agreeing with the men of the family. In some parts, some very crazy stuff was happening, and I almost felt like Maeve was on an acid-trip or something. Seriously! It was nuts, but it was interesting!
The climax of the novel began in one of the last few chapters. This caused the novel to drag on for quite a long time, and it seemed to me that there were many insignificant pieces to the storyline. Also, the ending was very abrupt, which bothers me. It was left for me to wonder what happened to Francisco, a Spanish soldier, and also for Maeve's father and brothers. But really, this novel was interesting, and not really the kind of book I normally read, but it kept me interested, even if I got bored in some places. If you're into the fantasy kind of book, you might like it.
*reviewed for TeensReadToo
Posted by Ashley at 10:26 AM 6 comments
Thursday, September 2, 2010
I have a question...
I have some books, all of which are paperback ARCS, that I have read and need to get rid of because I have no room for them! Since I can't post ARCS on PaperBackSwap, I have a few more options. I can either just give them away, host a contest, or trade them. So, if you're interested in trading, or just really, really want one of these books, let's figure something out. :) So, leave me a comment with your email, or just shoot me an email (which would probably be easier!). Help me empty my bookshelves! =)
Runaway by Meg Cabot
Mistwood by Leah Cypess
The Line by Teri Hall
The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg
Shadow Hills by Anastasia Hopcus
Gemma by Meg Tilly
Dreams of the Dead by Thomas Randall
Just let me know if you are interested! Thanks!
P.S. A review is coming soon! :)
Posted by Ashley at 10:32 PM 5 comments
Monday, August 16, 2010
Shadow Hills
Shadow Hills
by Anastasia Hopcus
Persephone "Phe" Archer feels as though she doesn't belong in LA any more since her sister's death. She leaves the city to go to Devenish Prep, a boarding school in Shadow Hills, Massachusetts. Her sister, Athena, had written of this place in her last diary entry, and Phe is determined to figure out why.
As Phe snoops around the school and the town, she continues to have dreams about the town and people within the town, both dead and alive. But the townspeople are odd. Every single one of them. And they might be after her.
Grade: C
I had many problems with this book. The synopsis made it sound amazing, and suspenseful, and romantic, and all that good stuff. I was wrong. I will start with the good. My favorite part of the book was the last couple of chapters. It picked up the pace, and I was intrigued. I can't say that for the rest of the book though.
Though the plot seemed interesting enough, it lacked...something. The characters definitely could have developed more. I realized shortly after I started reading that I was very annoyed by Phe's personality. She seemed fake-y to me, and really nosy. She liked to snoop, even if it was risking her safety, which I didn't find realistic. The conversations didn't seem incredibly realistic to me either. The wording seemed a little more proper than what I am used to in YA novels, so that might be why.
The relationship between Phe and Zach didn't hit a soft spot for me. Though when he came into the scene while reading, the parts did seem to go by faster, which was good, considering the slow pace of the book. Also, the whole "love at first sight" in books don't really phase me. I don't care for them at all. And the relationship just went from them meeting to them being so close so incredibly fast, which could be realistic, but not really relate-able to a lot of people.
Overall, I definitely think this book had potential, though it wasn't totally reached.
*reviewed for TeensReadToo
Posted by Ashley at 8:01 PM 6 comments
Sunday, August 15, 2010
The Line
The Line
by Teri Hall
Rachel and her widowed mother, Vivian, have lived on The Property since Rachel was a little girl. The Property belongs to Ms. Moore. The Property is right on The Line, an invisible border separating the Unified States from Away. Rachel spends her days at the greenhouse with Ms. Moore's orchids, wondering about The Line.
When she finds a message from an Other of Away asking for help, Rachel will stop at nothing to do just that.
Grade: B
I think this is the first futuristic kind of book I have read before, and I really liked it! It wasn't really what I was expecting. From the cover, I thought it might be something kind of spooky, because, really, look at that creepy lookin' cover! It took me a while to finish, because I always got sidetracked when I was reading this. The story really didn't pick up until the last few chapter, which made the rest of the novel to seem like it went really slow.
The ending was quite the cliffhanger, so I might just have to pick up a copy of The Away, the sequel to The Line, when in comes out next year.
Posted by Ashley at 9:31 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Ghost Huntress: The Reason
Ghost Huntress: The Reason
by Marley Gibson
Two months ago Kendall Moorehead had a premonition of her own death. But life seems to be going pretty good. Her and Jason are better than ever, her and he fellow ghost huntresses are getting numerous gigs in and around Radisson.
Their most recent gig is at the Mayor's mansion. This just happens to be the most intense hunt they have been on. And this ghost is not a happy one. Kendall and her team have to make her see the light, or Kendall's premonition might become reality.
Grade: A
This book was just as great as the first ones in the series. Kendall was a little more distant in this one though. Emily, her guide, isn't answering questions, which makes Kendall suspicious. Jason is more protective of her than ever before. Jason's and Taylor's mother has an incident, which changes the courses of all their lives, and the ghost huntresses as well.
This was the shortest of the books so far, and I think it was my least favorite. (If you have read this, you probably know what I am talking about.) I still love Kendall and her friends. Their gig at the mayor's house was really intense, and it took over the whole book. The secret that Kendall finds out about herself was amazing. I didn't see it coming, and yet, it made total sense, and I didn't see how I hadn't seen it coming! I cannot wait to see what happens to Kendall in The Counseling!
*reviewed for TeensReadToo
Posted by Ashley at 10:54 AM 3 comments
Friday, June 25, 2010
it's that time again!

Posted by Ashley at 4:06 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Now everyone is back to worrying about the regular stuff, like how to sneak to the boys' dorms at night, whether two-ply cashmere is warm enough for fall, and whether to fly to London or Barcelona for Thanksgiving break. Everyone except for Reed. Reed is convinced that Josh is innocent, which means the killer is still out there. Now it's up to Reed to uncover the truth. But the deeper she digs, the more secrets she unearths and the closer she gets to the confession that will change everything...if she's alive to hear it.
Confessions: A Private Novel
by Kate Brian
from Amazon:
Reed Brennan came to superposh Easton Academy to make a brand-new life for herself. At first it seemed as though her dream had come true-she was living in the ultraexclusive Billings Hall, hanging out with the all-powerful Billings Girls, and dating the very hot Thomas Pearson. But Thomas turned out to be different from what she thought...and then he turned up dead. And if that wasn't twisted enough, Reed's new boyfriend, Josh Hollis, was arrested for Thomas's murder.
Grade: A
GEEZ! Drama, drama, drama! But that is such a good thing for this series! Josh is in jail, and Reed is trying to save him. How sweet! The book got so intense at the end. A few points towards the middle, I really wanted to jump into the book and punch Noelle in the face. I even got annoyed with Reed. She kept on saying that Noelle, Ariana, and Kiran, etc. were her friends. I just can't picture them being "friends" with the way they treated each other! It was pretty crazy. And the ending! Ohmygosh. On to the next!
Posted by Ashley at 8:06 PM 3 comments
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Reed's boyfriend, Thomas Pearson--the popular, easygoing, irresistibly handsome and charismatic boy she fell in love with--is dead. No one knows how it happened, and everyone is after the truth. Or are they? Life at Easton Academy begins to feel very different. Taylor is acting like the poster child for Prozac, Kiran is spiking her cornflakes, Noelle is being kind of...nice, and Arianna keeps floating along as if nothing has happened. Thanksgiving break arrives and Reed and Josh find themselves alone on campus. They are forced to confront the feelings they've been hiding. Those feelings combined with an empty campus result in the hottest hookup Reed could possibly imagine. But when Reed breaks the news about Josh to the Billings Girls, there's no fun game of tell-all. Instead, Josh begins to look like suspect No. 1 in the murder of Thomas Pearson. The perfect life Reed has constructed as a Billings Girl begins to crumble. And as everyone becomes more convinced of Josh's guilt, Reed's private suspicions lead her somewhere she doesn't want to go.
Untouchable: A Private Novel
by Kate Brian
from Amazon:
Grade: A
Like I previously mentioned, I am HOOKED! These books are getting better and better. I simply love Reed. And I LOVED Reed and Josh together. I could feel the chemistry between them more so than between Reed and Thomas. (Team Josh! =P ) I'm really curious to find out what happens in the next book. Taylor is gone, and she tells Reed to not believe what Noelle, Ariana, and Kiran are telling her. And Josh has been arrested! :O Exciting stuff! On to the next!
Posted by Ashley at 6:57 PM 3 comments
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I would like to thank Ruz for awarding me with "The Versatile Blogger"!The Rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.
Seven Tidbits About Moi:
1. I love my niece and nephew dearly. They just happen to be dogs. Their names are Kona (miniature pinscher) and Toby (chiweenie), and they are the most adorable puppies in the world!
2. I love kids. Being a camp counselor to 9 to 12-year-olds made me realize for sure that I wanted to be a teacher.
3. I have played the flute for about 10 years. (I need to get back into it!)
4. My favorite band is Relient K. They are a Christian band, and it is silly, because I am not religious in the least.
5. I love buying things, but I hate spending money.
6. Green Machine is the name of my car.
7. My favorite number is three. I'm not even really positive why, but I have always loved the number more than all the others. :)
Some Bloggers I Award:
I haven't met any bloggers recently, so I'll go with 5 bloggers!
1. Breanna
2. Krysten
3. S.F. Robertson
4. Cara
5. Faye
Thanks again! It means a lot to me!
Posted by Ashley at 9:22 PM 6 comments
Monday, June 14, 2010
Invitation Only
Reed is a Billings Girl now. And with her new status come respect, envy, and, most important, opportunity. Not to mention the parties. Unfortunately, at the next illicit party in the Easton campus woods, her roommate snaps some pictures of Reed in more than one compromising position. She uses the photos to blackmail Reed: Dig up dirt on the most powerful and popular Billings Girls or she will have Reed expelled. And speaking of parties, the Legacy is coming up. It's the invitation-only Halloween party in NYC and it's rumored that Thomas -- Reed's MIA boyfriend -- will be making an appearance there. Too bad Reed isn't even close to invited. Life as a Billings Girl is every bit as glamorous as Reed imagined. What she didn't bargain for is the tangled web of private lies these girls weave.
Invitation Only: A Private Novel
by Kate Brian
taken from Amazon:
Reed Brennan's future is looking as bright as the two-karat diamonds in her new housemates' ears. Being accepted to the most prestigious private boarding school in the country wasn't enough for Reed. She had to break every rule to do it, but she has accomplished the impossible:
Grade: A
I am HOOKED on this series. I read this one really fast. I couldn't put it down! There is SO much drama, which always makes life more interesting (as long as it isn't your own!). I don't really know how to review this one. So, I think I'm just going to stick with that.
Posted by Ashley at 9:44 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 7, 2010
Private: A Novel
by Kate Brian
Reed Brennan just transferred to the prestigious Easton Academy. She's the "new girl", but that means she can be whomever she wants to be. No one needs to know about where she is from and no one needs to know that her mother is a druggie. But even after arriving, Reed still feels like an outsider.
And then she meets the Billings Girls. They are the most powerful, most popular, most beautiful, and most confident girls on campus. Reed wants to be like them. She will do anything to be a Billings Girl.
Grade: A
(I reviewed this quite some time ago, when I had first started blogging. But, I figured, since I think my reviewing has definitely gotten better of the months, then I would review it again since I read it again.)
I love stories about boarding schools, mainly because I always wanted to go to one. It would be so amazing be get away from normal life, to a place where no one knows you, and you can be whoever you want to be. This is exactly what Reed wanted. Reed was so insecure with herself, and I couldn't believe that she was so desperate to change. When she calls her father, it is mentioned that she has a lot of anger because of her mother. That is a huge impact that I never caught the first time I read this. I'm excited to start reading the rest of the series. Bring it on!
Posted by Ashley at 5:57 PM 4 comments
Monday, May 31, 2010
Ghost Huntress: The Guidance
Ghost Huntress: The Guidance
by Marley Gibson
It's been a few months since Kendall and her family moved to Radisson, Georgia. Things are going great: she's made some great friends, has a boyfriend, a ghost-hunting team, and she's psychic! The only person that isn't so happy about her being the talk of the town is Courtney Langdon, who just happens to be Jason's ex.
Courtney starts meddling with the paranormal, which gets her into some trouble. She wants to get the attention away from Kendall, but she has no idea what she is getting herself into.
Grade: A
Just like in The Awakening, Kendall is a snarky chica who is completely amusing. Some parts of the book kind of even freaked me out, because of the creepy soldier ghost who enjoyed toying with Courtney. I'm disappointed with the relationship of Kendall and Jason, but only because I want there to be more of it. I love them together, and like Jason told her in the book, ghost hunting has taken over her life, and she doesn't have that much time to spend with just him. Sad! But, I don't want to ruin what happens if you decide to read the series, so I will just leave it at that!
I'm pretty sure I liked the first book better, but I still enjoyed reading about Kendall and her friends! I definitely recommend this series if you're into the paranormal.
Posted by Ashley at 9:42 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Hourglass Door
The Hourglass Door
by Lisa Mangum
Abby Edmunds is starting her senior year. She's busy sending out college applications, spending time with her boyfriend, Jason, and managing the play at school, Much Ado About Nothing. Life is going smoothly. Nothing has changed. Same Abby, same lackluster life.
Enter Dante Alexander, the gorgeous Italian foreign-exchange student. Upon his arrival, Abby's world is turned upside down. The mystery, the spontaneity, the surprises, all of which Abby desires, are now in within reach.
But with Dante, there are secrets. He is always disappearing, or gone for days at a time, and he avoids all physical contact with people. But the time they spend together seems different from their time apart--it seems slow, or too fast, or even as though time has stopped altogether.
Grade: A+
I'm not even sure where I should begin. To put it simply, I adored this book. I loved Abby's character. Even though at the beginning she was somewhat annoying (because she did what she was told, and she made sure others were happy over herself), by the end, I felt a shift in her. She was a strong character, and you could tell by the last couple chapters how strong she really was.
A great book makes me feel emotional. An amazing book makes me cry, which is exactly what The Hourglass Door did to me. By the middle of the novel, I never wanted to put it down. I was so involved; I almost felt like I was Abby, which is really cool! I could go on and on about how much I loved reading this. I have the next book in the series, and I can't wait to get started on it! I definitely recommend this one.
Posted by Ashley at 1:06 PM 5 comments
Thursday, May 6, 2010
by Leah Cypess
Isabel is the Shifter. She is bound to protect the kings of Samorna at all costs. When she is not needed, she resides in her forest, Mistwood. When she is needed, she goes to the castle.
When Prince Rokan comes for her in Mistwood, she does not remember why she had left Samorna many years ago. She doesn't remember how to change forms. Isabel knows her prince needs her to be the Shifter. But she also knows that he is lying to her. The truth can change everything though and Isabel must make a choice.
Grade: A
Mistwood is a beautifully written debut novel. Isabel is a confused character who in the end figures everything out. I'm not that big on reading fantasy, but I loved this storyline. I thought the idea of a Shifter was really cool, and the twists and turns in the plot kept me guessing on what was going to happen in the end. I didn't see the *almost* end coming, which always makes a good book even better.
My only problem with the novel was the actual ending. I didn't care for it because it was very abrupt, and it left a cliffhanger. I really wanted to know what was going to happen, but the story just ends. But other than that, as I said, this was a wonderful book, and I look forward to read more by Leah!
*reviewed for TeensReadToo
**Mistwood is on shelves now
Posted by Ashley at 8:07 PM 3 comments
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Ghost Huntress: The Awakening
Ghost Huntress: The Awakening
by Marley Gibson
Kendall and her family just moved to Radisson, Georgia, which is completely different from Chicago. There are ghost stories all around town. This brings out a psychic awakening in Kendall.
She confides in Celia, her neighbor and only friend, and also Loreen, a woman who runs a New Age store in town. Together with Celia, who is interested in the Radisson ghosts, they put together an unlikely crew to begin ghost hunting. There is psychic Kendall, brainy Celia, popular photographer Taylor, and punky audio-whiz Becca.
But becoming ghost huntresses isn't as easy as Kendall thought it would be.
Grade: A
I am a HUGE Ghost Hunters fan, so I was ecstatic to read a book about hunting from a teen's point of view. And one of the character's idols were Jay and Grant from Ghost Hunters! And I was not disappointed. Once I started, I never wanted to stop. The plot flowed so nicely, and I loved Kendall's snarky attitude and her one-liners. She was so fun and spunky!
I already have the next book, The Guidance, and I can't wait to start it. I totally recommend this book if you're into the paranormal reads, or if you want something that is just fun and amusing!
Posted by Ashley at 10:41 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Geek Charming
Geek Charming
by Robin Palmer
Dylan Schoenfield is the most popular girl at Castle Heights, her swanky high school. She has the coolest boyfriend, the most popular friends, and an "it" bag that every girl wants and needs. When she accidentally tosses the bag into a fountain, Josh Rosen, super-geek, comes to her rescue.
In return for his kindness, Josh convinces Dylan('s father) to let him film documentary about popularity. But when Dylan falls from her throne, can Josh be the friend she's never had?
Grade: C
I thought I had this book figured out after reading the synopsis, which is why I wanted to read it in the first place. But I actually ended up being disappointed that it wasn't the predictable ending, which I find weird. I don't want to give it away, so I'll leave it at that.
It was a cute book, overall, and Dylan grew as a character. I liked the alternating chapters from Dylan's and Josh's points of view. There were some really good lines in the book too, mostly said by Josh, who was my favorite character. This took me a long time to read, so it just wasn't really my thing.
Posted by Ashley at 10:47 AM 4 comments
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Confessions of a Shopaholic
by Sophie Kinsella
Rebecca Bloomwood shops. Too bad she can't afford it, even with her numerous credit cards. Her job at Successful Savings is a complete bore, and who is she, a woman in debt, to give out financial advice?
She keeps ignoring those important bank envelopes that are overloading her mailbox, tries cutting back, and even tries making more money, but all things don't turn out. But then a story Becky is interested in comes along. This could be her chance to make it in journalism! And her chance to turn her life around!
Grade: A
First off, I simply ADORE the movie. Although, I find it strange how different it was from the book; mostly the setting, which somewhat changes the vernacular of the characters--Manhattan Becky is very different from British Becky. Just sayin'!
But, I am actually thinking, and I NEVER say this, that I prefer the movie over the book. I liked Manhattan Becky better than British Becky! Though the book was really fun to read, and it was the same quirky Becky, just with an accent and different words, I just didn't picture it the way I normally do with a book. Does that make sense? But the book was wonderful, don't get me wrong. Just if I have to choose between the book and movie, I would for sure be picking the movie on this one.
So, I suppose this isn't really much of a review. But, it's all I can come up with right now.
Posted by Ashley at 11:01 PM 4 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
Runaway: An Airhead Novel
by Meg Cabot
Emerson Watts is on the run.
Everyone she loves is mad at her because of something she can't explain, and doesn't totally understand herself. All she has to look forward to is the Stark Angel fashion show on New Year's Eve.
Christopher has discovered something bad. Project Phoenix. And even though he isn't positive on what it is about, he has a feeling it has everything to do with Em.
Grade: A
I have enjoyed the Airhead series sooo very much. I'm sad to see it come to an end, but this ending was great. I hated to put the book down while reading because I really wanted to know what was going to happen! I have enjoyed every character through the series, and I loved "watching" the relationships blossom. I also loved how the changes in the girls, Em and Nikki, were so powerful. Amazing!
The only problem I had with book is the ending. It all happened so fast; almost too fast! But, overall, the book was a wonderful ending to the Airhead series, and if you haven't read both Airhead and Being Nikki, you definitely should check them out!
*released April 20, 2010
**reviewed for TeensReadToo
Posted by Ashley at 9:32 PM 4 comments
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Beautiful Blogger Award :)
Thank you so much, Wendy, for passing this on to me!
1. My first concert is going to be Lady Gaga! :)
2. I will be graduating in June with my Associates in Elementary Education.
3. One of my favorite movies is The Fifth Element.
4. Almost no one says my last name right.
5. I'm a pretty shy person, but I'm working on it.
6. I spend way too much time on Facebook.
7. I just turned 20 on March 27th.
I hate trying to nominate people for awards! I never know who I should give an award to! Everyone deserves to be awarded, I think. So, if you look at this post, I award YOU! :) Thanks again, Wendy!
Posted by Ashley at 3:06 PM 3 comments
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Oblivion Road
Oblivion Road
by Alex McAulay
A car accident on an isolated Colorado road strands four friends in the middle of a frigid blizzard. Two friends search for help and instead find a vehicle up the road--an abandoned prison van, and a dead driver. As the four friends hide out in their immovable SUV, one of the prisoners stumbles out of the woods.
Can he be trusted? He admits to be a meth dealer, though he was once in the army. As he leads them on a trek to a nearby town, the four friends get somewhat suspicious, and they also get the feeling they are being watched along the way.
Grade: C
I'm not sure where to start with this. It wasn't a very good book for me. I wasn't a big fan. I thought the plot was really interesting and original, but to me it didn't really flow very well. The main character, Courtney, was odd, and I just got annoyed whenever reading something she was thinking. So, I didn't really enjoy the book itself, or the characters, but I really liked the storyline.
Posted by Ashley at 7:19 PM 3 comments
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Laguna Cove
Laguna Cove
by Alyson Noël
Anne is certainly not happy when she moves to Laguna Beach, California to live with her dad after her parents' divorce. It is completely different from Connecticut. All the people do is surf or hang out on the beach!
Once she meets Lola at a movie premiere, she decides to give Cali a chance. She then befriends Lola's other friends: gorgeous Chris, down-to-earth Jade, and competitive Ellie. She hits it off with Lola and Jade, and Chris has even said he will teach Anne how to surf, but Ellie gives her the death glare every chance she gets.
The closer she gets to Chris, and better she gets at surfing, the more Ellie seems to hate her guts. But Anne has worked hard to fit in, so she isn't giving in to Ellie's death glares, and she might even enter Surf Fest to give her a run for her money.
Grade: B+
I've been an Alyson Noël fan since I read Art Geeks and Prom Queens a few years ago. When I read the first chapter, I was thinking this was going to be about a bitchy high school girl, but I continued reading, and found that it wasn't completely true!
Anne was the character I enjoyed the most. And Chris, because he seems like a total cutie. :) I didn't really care all that much about Jade, but she wasn't very involved. I was confused by Lola, because of the way she was sneaking around with a guy, I figured it was a married man, or someone a lot older, but it ended up being neither of those. Ellie was totally rude, and I definitely think she overdid it, and I am also confused by her decision she made at Surf Fest.
One thing I didn't really like was that the book had chapters in the views of Anne, Ellie, Lola, and Jade. I think that's too many characters to keep up with, personally. I was mostly interested in Anne, since she was the new girl, though, I suppose it's good to know the people she was meeting, right? Also, the ending was disappointing. The last chapter was about Ellie, when I think it really should have been about Anne. I'm confused by what happens with Anne and Chris at the end, along with Lola and Dean.
Posted by Ashley at 10:11 AM 2 comments
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Shutter Island
Shutter Island
by Dennis Lehane
The year is 1954, and U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels is on his way on a ferry to Shutter Island, where Ashecliffe Hospital for the Criminally Insane resides. He has a new partner, Chuck Aule, and together they must figure out how Rachel Solando, a murderess, has mysteriously escaped from her room.
Upon arrival, Ashecliffe is certainly suspicious. They are denied access to looking at patient and employee files. Teddy could be at the hospital for multiple reasons: the escape, the radical approach on psychiatry, or even potential experimentation. With a hurricane in the forecast, and communication cut off from the mainland, Teddy and Chuck begin to think that they might never get off Shutter Island...
Grade: A+
Not really a book I normally review, right? :)
Normally I prefer to read the book before seeing the movie, but in this case, I saw the movie first. I am so intrigued by anything related to mental illness and institutions. (Am I weird?!) I figured the book would be so incredibly different from the movie, like they usually are. But I was wrong!
I started off reading, and there is a prologue that is some years later, and it's Chuck talking, and that got me thinking, "oh great, this is going to be so different." But I continued reading, and I could hardly stop. I was so into the book (which is great since I have been in a reading slump!). And, I'm not sure which I liked better: the book or the movie. They were both fantastic! If you like thrillers and mystery, give this a try!
Posted by Ashley at 2:53 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
by Mara Purnhagen
Kate Morgan arrives at Cleary High like any regular day, but this day turns out different. The school has been tagged; a mural of six gorillas resides on the side of the school building
Being the police chief's daughter, Kate tries to stay out of it. Many people are saying that the gorillas, which are also turning up on other buildings in town, and out of state, are vandalism. Are they? Or are they art?
Grade: A
This book was totally enjoyable from the very beginning. I was drawn in at the start. The plot was lifelike, and I liked the characters. When first meeting Eli, I couldn't even tell that Kate was interested in him romantically, but perhaps she was in denial, since he was in a relationship, and she even told her best friend and parents that "he is just a friend I work with."
I loved the relationship between Kate and Lan, her best friend. I could tell they were really close, and yet she wasn't even around all that much. That's a good kind of friendship to have; it's like the finish-each other's-sentences kind of friendship. I would have liked Kate's photography to be a larger part of the novel, because we don't learn how much she enjoys it until the last chapter.
If you're up for a fast and fun read, find this one when it comes out.
*released March 1, 2010
*reviewed for TeensReadToo
Posted by Ashley at 5:44 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 19, 2010
My Ridiculous, Romantic Obsessions
My Ridiculous, Romantic Obsessions
by Becca Wilhite
Sarah Howard is starting her first year at university. She is ready to blend in like she always has. She expects things to be the same as usual. What she doesn't expect is Ben, a hottie in her Art History class to become interested in her.
Sarah believes herself to be average, except her crazy Medusa hair. So, when Ben starts hanging around more, she just plays along, knowing that it is too good to be true, and he will realize his mistake soon. They always do, right?
Grade: A+
I hadn't heard anything about this book before receiving it. Once I got started, it was hard to stop. The story was incredibly believable, from the cheesy lines, to the nerves of an unexpected relationship. During the whole novel, I felt as though Sarah just didn't get it, and she didn't. The way she thought got a little old, because it was obvious that Ben was interested, and he wasn't giving up easily.
As the reader, I got angry at Sarah because she couldn't get it out of her head that there are guys out there that won't burn you! And Ben was that guy! Together, they were great. The character I wanted to learn more about was Chel, Sarah's best friend. They didn't seem so much like best friends to me. Chel was there for Sarah, but it seemed as though she was just straight to the point, this is what I think and know, good-bye, which is very different from my relationship between my best friends. Overall, this was a totally enjoyable, cute and fast read.
*released March 2, 2010
**reviewed for TeensReadToo
Posted by Ashley at 7:29 PM 2 comments