A Season of Eden by J.M. Warwick
Deadly Little Secret by Laurie Faria Stolarz
And, here's the latest scoop on Ashley:
I just started Spring quarter today, and I'm not very happy. First off, I'm taking English 102, Public Speaking, and History 148. Secondly, my English class starts at 7:30 in the frickin' morning. I wanted the same teacher I had last quarter and her only class was that early. I'm totally crazy. And therefore, totally exhausted right now. And, you know, I am very shy. So, I am pretty much scared to death for taking Public Speaking, but I need to take it. Crapola. And even better, I get to go to work in a few hours! Ugh. Bad day back to school. The only good thing is that I'm done with school before noon. So, for the lack of posts I feel coming, I blame it all on my schoolwork. Ugh!
Oh, and some of you were curious to what I got for my birthday! It wasn't much, and I knew all but one thing that I was getting. I got a B&N giftcard, big cd case, Big on dvd, and an Edward Cullen poster. I found that funny, since my mom hates me having stuff on my walls. Maybe I will post some pictures of my room/bookshelves to show you, if you're interested! :]
In other news, I texted this boy I met a little while ago last night and said we should hang out, and he said he's down! I can't believe I actually did it, and it is just amazing. hehe :)