Friday, June 25, 2010
it's that time again!

Posted by Ashley at 4:06 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Confessions: A Private Novel
by Kate Brian
from Amazon:
Reed Brennan came to superposh Easton Academy to make a brand-new life for herself. At first it seemed as though her dream had come true-she was living in the ultraexclusive Billings Hall, hanging out with the all-powerful Billings Girls, and dating the very hot Thomas Pearson. But Thomas turned out to be different from what she thought...and then he turned up dead. And if that wasn't twisted enough, Reed's new boyfriend, Josh Hollis, was arrested for Thomas's murder.
Now everyone is back to worrying about the regular stuff, like how to sneak to the boys' dorms at night, whether two-ply cashmere is warm enough for fall, and whether to fly to London or Barcelona for Thanksgiving break.
Everyone except for Reed.
Reed is convinced that Josh is innocent, which means the killer is still out there. Now it's up to Reed to uncover the truth. But the deeper she digs, the more secrets she unearths and the closer she gets to the confession that will change everything...if she's alive to hear it.
Grade: A
GEEZ! Drama, drama, drama! But that is such a good thing for this series! Josh is in jail, and Reed is trying to save him. How sweet! The book got so intense at the end. A few points towards the middle, I really wanted to jump into the book and punch Noelle in the face. I even got annoyed with Reed. She kept on saying that Noelle, Ariana, and Kiran, etc. were her friends. I just can't picture them being "friends" with the way they treated each other! It was pretty crazy. And the ending! Ohmygosh. On to the next!
Posted by Ashley at 8:06 PM 3 comments
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Untouchable: A Private Novel
by Kate Brian
from Amazon:
Reed's boyfriend, Thomas Pearson--the popular, easygoing, irresistibly handsome and charismatic boy she fell in love with--is dead. No one knows how it happened, and everyone is after the truth. Or are they?
Life at Easton Academy begins to feel very different. Taylor is acting like the poster child for Prozac, Kiran is spiking her cornflakes, Noelle is being kind of...nice, and Arianna keeps floating along as if nothing has happened.
Thanksgiving break arrives and Reed and Josh find themselves alone on campus. They are forced to confront the feelings they've been hiding. Those feelings combined with an empty campus result in the hottest hookup Reed could possibly imagine. But when Reed breaks the news about Josh to the Billings Girls, there's no fun game of tell-all. Instead, Josh begins to look like suspect No. 1 in the murder of Thomas Pearson.
The perfect life Reed has constructed as a Billings Girl begins to crumble. And as everyone becomes more convinced of Josh's guilt, Reed's private suspicions lead her somewhere she doesn't want to go.
Grade: A
Like I previously mentioned, I am HOOKED! These books are getting better and better. I simply love Reed. And I LOVED Reed and Josh together. I could feel the chemistry between them more so than between Reed and Thomas. (Team Josh! =P ) I'm really curious to find out what happens in the next book. Taylor is gone, and she tells Reed to not believe what Noelle, Ariana, and Kiran are telling her. And Josh has been arrested! :O Exciting stuff! On to the next!
Posted by Ashley at 6:57 PM 3 comments
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I would like to thank Ruz for awarding me with "The Versatile Blogger"!The Rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share seven things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.
Seven Tidbits About Moi:
1. I love my niece and nephew dearly. They just happen to be dogs. Their names are Kona (miniature pinscher) and Toby (chiweenie), and they are the most adorable puppies in the world!
2. I love kids. Being a camp counselor to 9 to 12-year-olds made me realize for sure that I wanted to be a teacher.
3. I have played the flute for about 10 years. (I need to get back into it!)
4. My favorite band is Relient K. They are a Christian band, and it is silly, because I am not religious in the least.
5. I love buying things, but I hate spending money.
6. Green Machine is the name of my car.
7. My favorite number is three. I'm not even really positive why, but I have always loved the number more than all the others. :)
Some Bloggers I Award:
I haven't met any bloggers recently, so I'll go with 5 bloggers!
1. Breanna
2. Krysten
3. S.F. Robertson
4. Cara
5. Faye
Thanks again! It means a lot to me!
Posted by Ashley at 9:22 PM 6 comments
Monday, June 14, 2010
Invitation Only
Invitation Only: A Private Novel
by Kate Brian
taken from Amazon:
Reed Brennan's future is looking as bright as the two-karat diamonds in her new housemates' ears. Being accepted to the most prestigious private boarding school in the country wasn't enough for Reed. She had to break every rule to do it, but she has accomplished the impossible:
Reed is a Billings Girl now.
And with her new status come respect, envy, and, most important, opportunity. Not to mention the parties. Unfortunately, at the next illicit party in the Easton campus woods, her roommate snaps some pictures of Reed in more than one compromising position. She uses the photos to blackmail Reed: Dig up dirt on the most powerful and popular Billings Girls or she will have Reed expelled.
And speaking of parties, the Legacy is coming up. It's the invitation-only Halloween party in NYC and it's rumored that Thomas -- Reed's MIA boyfriend -- will be making an appearance there. Too bad Reed isn't even close to invited.
Life as a Billings Girl is every bit as glamorous as Reed imagined. What she didn't bargain for is the tangled web of private lies these girls weave.
Grade: A
I am HOOKED on this series. I read this one really fast. I couldn't put it down! There is SO much drama, which always makes life more interesting (as long as it isn't your own!). I don't really know how to review this one. So, I think I'm just going to stick with that.
Posted by Ashley at 9:44 PM 3 comments
Monday, June 7, 2010
Private: A Novel
by Kate Brian
Reed Brennan just transferred to the prestigious Easton Academy. She's the "new girl", but that means she can be whomever she wants to be. No one needs to know about where she is from and no one needs to know that her mother is a druggie. But even after arriving, Reed still feels like an outsider.
And then she meets the Billings Girls. They are the most powerful, most popular, most beautiful, and most confident girls on campus. Reed wants to be like them. She will do anything to be a Billings Girl.
Grade: A
(I reviewed this quite some time ago, when I had first started blogging. But, I figured, since I think my reviewing has definitely gotten better of the months, then I would review it again since I read it again.)
I love stories about boarding schools, mainly because I always wanted to go to one. It would be so amazing be get away from normal life, to a place where no one knows you, and you can be whoever you want to be. This is exactly what Reed wanted. Reed was so insecure with herself, and I couldn't believe that she was so desperate to change. When she calls her father, it is mentioned that she has a lot of anger because of her mother. That is a huge impact that I never caught the first time I read this. I'm excited to start reading the rest of the series. Bring it on!
Posted by Ashley at 5:57 PM 4 comments